AI Tools to Create Reels, TikToks, Shorts

AI Tools to Create Reels, TikToks, Shorts

AI Tools to Create Reels, TikToks, Shorts

Creating mini videos such as Instagram Reels, TikToks, and YouTube Shorts can be time-consuming. Luckily, new AI-driven apps produce engaging videos in seconds.

Cut Long Videos

The following tools can repurpose interviews, webinars, or other extended videos.

Klap quickly creates multiple clips from a single YouTube video. Paste the URL of your YouTube video and in seconds receive Reels, TikToks, or Shorts. Each clip includes a title, transcript, and virality score of 10 to 100.

Generating clips on Klap is free but not downloadable without a Pro version, which costs $29 per month for 10 videos.

Munch is another new web-based app that uses AI to repurpose long videos into Reels, TikToks, or Shorts.

To start, choose the platform(s) you want to create clips for. Then (i) paste the URL of the YouTube video or upload a file, and (ii) pick your style of subtitles

The tool will:

  • Cut the video into meaningful clips,
  • Generate subtitles (which load when spoken),
  • Create social-media captions, including hashtags.

If no clips appeal, Munch allows easy re-generating for new versions, although in my test the re-do was unnecessary.

Text to Video

The following tools will repurpose text into videos.

Vidiofy generates Reels or Shorts in seconds. Paste an article URL into the platform and download the video. The clip automatically includes topic highlights, image backgrounds and music, video effects, and an AI-generated voiceover.

Fliki generates short videos from any text, tweet, or prompt. It will auto-find background images and music, create subtitles, produce an AI-driven voiceover, and even pull images from the linked source. Fliki allows edits in every scene in a clip — replacing images or music, adjusting speed or volume, and changing fonts.

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