
4 campaigns that show power lies in simplicity


Healthcare marketing begins with a single idea. This idea becomes the blueprint that transforms an ad from a clinical medical experience to a compelling human interest story. As an agency inspired by storytelling, Deerfield celebrates these four ads as examples of the power that lies in the simplicity of a great idea.

Don’t Pass Coronavirus to the People You LoveScottish Government

This spot for Healthier Scotland does something simple and compelling. The camera documents a story of love and family disrupted by the ease with which COVID-19 spreads, introducing a new danger into our everyday lives. Its power comes from the way the film, art direction, and dialogue work together to educate the public without any lectures or politics — or any passing of judgment. It simply reminds the viewer what could be at stake — namely, their loved ones’ lives.

Welcome to My VaginaPhexxi

Welcome to My Vagina showcases what’s possible when an agency, clients, and MLR groups buy into a novel creative idea, even if approval comes with plenty of squirming. The result? A memorable ad with striking visuals, smart narration, and a sense of humor that never strays from its strategic theme: your birth control, your rules. Thank you, Phexxi, for an ad that mirrors the way women — rather than a roomful of suits — think.

Petrified Petals, Grass MonstersFlonase

If the only options are to go big or go home, Flonase went big. But that didn’t mean overcomplicating the matter at hand. By getting to the heart of what consumers want — allergies that don’t feel menacing — these cinematic, larger-than-life ads were able to promote just that. Defeating mythology-grade allergy monsters? That’s straight-up fun. Bringing back the lost art of a mnemonic slogan? Now that’s memorable. Kudos, Flonase.

Smiles Always Find a WayColgate

Colgate knows smiles are the simplest form of optimism. When the COVID-19 pandemic called for the use of face masks, the toothpaste brand took its advertising in stride. Launching a timely, intimate print campaign, Colgate’s brand team utilized a series of images depicting life in masks — from small moments to the once-in-a-lifetime ones. The ads are subtle, but the message is loud and clear: A healthy smile, whether you see it or not, is crucial to our overall health and radiating happiness.
