
Ecommerce Product Releases: January 17, 2022

Ecommerce Product Releases: January 17, 2022

Here is a list of product releases and updates for mid-January from companies that offer services to online merchants. There are updates on ecommerce design, SMS marketing, next-generation search, live video shopping, conversational commerce, and advertising on Amazon.

Wishpond, a marketing-focused online business services provider, has completed its acquisition of assets from AtlasMind Inc., doing business as Winback provides Wishpond with SMS marketing, including a cart abandonment tool.

 Famous, an ecommerce design company, has introduced Amaze Free, a no-cost, no-code design platform available in the Shopify App Store. Amaze Free helps merchants launch their online business, streamline and accelerate marketing efforts, and increase customer engagement. It offers immersive designs, animations, and transitions, enabling merchants to build customized landing pages without design or technical skills.

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