Criteo looks to unify retail media with a DSP and a three-pronged set of data tools and solutions

Criteo looks to unify retail media with a DSP and a three-pronged set of data tools and solutions

Criteo looks to unify retail media with a DSP and a three-pronged set of data tools and solutions

The burgeoning world of retail media holds great potential for advertisers looking to connect with consumers and better understand their shopping habits. But with so many retailers getting into the retail media business in the last few years, it’s become a chaotic marketplace — albeit one with more than $100 billion in potential ad spend.

Commerce media company Criteo yesterday announced a major effort to bring order to that chaos, formally launching its demand-side platform Commerce Max, which aims to wrap its programmatic arms around as much of the market that will join it. The company said it’s been testing the DSP for more than a year but it’s now ready for general availability.

“Commerce Max is about having advertisers be able to find retail media inventory through one place — not fragmented, not having to go all over the place but one place — to get to retail media inventory,” she said, noting that Commerce Max reaches 210 retailers, 2,400 brands, 1,500 agencies and 1200 publishers “ that are looking in lockstep to join the world we’ve created.”

Brian Gleason, Criteo’s CRO, added that, “in two years this is going to be bigger than TV.” He also said that, although 210 retail media networks are currently signed up, he expects there to be somewhere between 500 and 600 in the future. “We need to educate the entire ecosystem globally, in terms of how to buy — $42 billion isn’t simply going to jump into the boat.”

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