Five things for pharma marketers to know

Five things for pharma marketers to know for Tuesday morning

Five things for pharma marketers to know

  • The Supreme Court debated whether to approve Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy settlement linked to the opioid epidemic, which would protect individual members of the Sackler family from future civil lawsuits in turn for a $6 billion payout.

  • Merck KGaA agreed to pay up to $605.5 million total in a deal that gives it rights to Abbisko Therapeutics’ oral small molecule pimicotinib for tenosynovial giant cell tumor.
  • A House oversight panel said it is investigating the Food and Drug Administration’s handling of a decongestant ingredient that was recently found to be ineffective, arguing the agency “relied upon outdated and insufficient evidence.”
  • The Treasury Department launched a strike force to help combat illicit fentanyl trafficking as the U.S. and China step up efforts to stop the movement of the powerful opioid and drug-making materials into the U.S.

  • Startups and large food companies have sought to pitch new products as either alternatives to weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy – or as companion snacks for patients.