Before You Start an AI Strategy Make the Case To Stop

Before You Start an AI Strategy Make the Case To Stop

Before You Start an AI Strategy Make the Case To Stop

Helping clients get ready to integrate generative AI, I’ve noticed something interesting.

After walking through use cases and how the technology could impact the workflow across business functions, I find generative AI doesn’t reduce their need for resources. Instead, AI more likely adds new capabilities to the team – things the team usually doesn’t have time to do because they spend so much effort on content creation.

For example, generative AI can assemble useful topic maps and structured taxonomies for an existing corpus of content. These maps work extraordinarily well for auto-tagging future content and spotting holes in existing content categories. Since the team typically hasn’t made such a map, AI’s integration doesn’t make their existing work more efficient. It just makes a new task possible.

The integration of generative AI really requires a new commitment of time, making the initial challenge different.

Given adding new resources is an exceedingly rare option, the real question to answer is: “What are you going to stop doing to start doing the other thing?”
